Monday, March 5, 2007

30k a year for tuition at a private high school

This morning's online edition of The Wall Street Journal featured an article on one of the sacrifices parents are making with regards to their children's education.

A majority of today's parents are unwilling to gamble on the public educational system to teach their children the skills necessary for admittance at a top university. Some parents have resorted to moving across the country to private schools charging upwards of 30k per year after learning of the acceptance ratio of Ivy League candidates at these schools.

While I cannot comment on the validity of the National Association of Independent Schools in Washington, D.C., I suspect this trend has been around for at least a decade.

The four private schools specifically mentioned (in no particular order) were:

Germantown Friends, Philadelphia, PA
Hathaway Brown, Shaker Heights, OH
Cal Polytechnic, Pasadena, CA (this school I am aware of, parents who are leaning their children towards CalTech have enrolled their children here because of its math and science programs)
Winsor, Boston, MA

The coming of generation of graduates will be a who's who of haves and have-nots. While some won't need a college education to succeed in the 21st century, are you willing to bet your children's future on it?

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